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Tous les problèmes de l'arcade en dehors de l'adaptation au style
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En ligne : Non
Messages : 147
Enregistré le : 26 sept. 2011, 17:13
Joueur de Poker : non
Pseudo Winamax : aucun
Localisation : Troyes
Olympus Arcade : 0 Top 20 des joueurs de l arcade
Contact :
    unknown unknown


Message non lu par scotty »

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hello thienou

j'ai une erreur en debug

Code : Tout sélectionner

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1331: Undefined offset: 0
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1331: Undefined offset: 1
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1331: Undefined offset: 2
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1331: Undefined offset: 3
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1331: Undefined offset: 4
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1331: Undefined offset: 5
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1331: Undefined offset: 6
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1331: Undefined offset: 7
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1331: Undefined offset: 8
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1331: Undefined offset: 9
la ligne 1331

Code : Tout sélectionner


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2 ième Duo Poker freeroll
En ligne : Non
Messages : 4895
Enregistré le : 13 janv. 2007, 15:44
Médailles : 2
Joueur de Poker : oui
Pseudo Winamax :
Localisation : marseille
Genre :
Olympus Arcade : 39 Top 20 des joueurs de l arcade
Pays :
France (fr)
Contact :
    unknown unknown

Re: debug

Message non lu par France »

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  • 2 ième Duo Poker freeroll
oui si Michel passe aussi par la
pour l instant Michel en installer pas mal et aucune erreur à ma connaissance, à part une modif qu'il a signalé et que Thienou réparera.
comme je sais que tu as des modifications particulière
ils te diront mieux que moi d’où peu venir l'erreur

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Le Compagnon
En ligne : Non
Messages : 147
Enregistré le : 26 sept. 2011, 17:13
Joueur de Poker : non
Pseudo Winamax : aucun
Localisation : Troyes
Olympus Arcade : 0 Top 20 des joueurs de l arcade
Contact :
    unknown unknown

Re: debug

Message non lu par scotty »

  • Statistiques
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précision l'arcade est installer en local

phpbb 3.0.10
mod : ultimate_points

mais bon si il y as eu aucune erreur j'ai du faire une boulette par la ^^

Le Compagnon
Le Compagnon
En ligne : Non
Messages : 180
Enregistré le : 28 oct. 2011, 10:33
Joueur de Poker : non
Pseudo Winamax : aucun
Localisation : Vaucluse
Olympus Arcade : 0 Top 20 des joueurs de l arcade
    unknown unknown

Re: debug

Message non lu par Michel »

  • Statistiques
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Salut scotty

Non tu n'a pas fait de boulette t'inquiète , j'ai activé le debug sur le forum ou est installé l'OA et j'ai moi aussi une erreur qui est la suivante

Code : Tout sélectionner

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1580: Undefined index: 56
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1580: Undefined offset: 1
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1581: Undefined index: 55
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1581: Undefined offset: 1
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1340: Undefined offset: 2
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1340: Undefined offset: 3
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1340: Undefined offset: 4
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1340: Undefined offset: 5
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1340: Undefined offset: 6
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1340: Undefined offset: 7
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1340: Undefined offset: 8
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/includes/arcadeoa.class.php on line 1340: Undefined offset: 9
la ligne 1340 correspond a ceci

Code : Tout sélectionner

1580 et 1581 a ceci

Code : Tout sélectionner

				if($i == 0){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_1'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 1){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_2'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
en gros les lignes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ne sont pas défini et ce n'est pas de mon domaine de tout recoder, voici un lien ou il y a le meme style d'erreur ... 61467.html
si des fois ça peut aider mais pour moi le codage de cette partie est a revoir

Code : Tout sélectionner

	function display_rankpos()
		global $template,$db,$user,$phpbb_root_path;		
		$this->rank_player = Array();
		$best_score_first = 0;		
		if($this->config['use_classpos_champ'] == 2)
			$chp_after = -1;
			$sql_array = array(
			'SELECT'	=> 'ch.cat_id, ch.points, ch.groups, ch.date_start, ch.date_end',					
			'FROM'		=> array(CHAMPPOS_TABLE => 'ch'),
			'WHERE' => 'ch.date_start <= '.time().' and ch.date_end >= '.time()
			$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
			$result = $db->sql_query($sql);	
			$chp_catid = -1;
			$chp_points = 0;
			$chp_team = "";
			$chp_date_start = 0;
			$chp_date_end = 0;
			while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
				$chp_after = 0;
				$chp_catid = $row['cat_id'];
				$chp_points = $row['points'];
				$chp_team = $row['groups'];
				$chp_date_start = $row['date_start'];
				$chp_date_end = $row['date_end'];
			if($chp_catid == -1 && $this->config['champpos_after'])
				$sql_array = array(
				'SELECT'	=> 'ch.cat_id,ch.points, ch.date_start, ch.date_end',
				'FROM'		=> array(CHAMPPOS_TABLE => 'ch'),
				'WHERE'		=> 'ch.date_end <= '.time(),
				'ORDER_BY'	=> 'ch.date_end DESC'
				$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
				$result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1, 0);
				while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
					$chp_after = 1;
					$chp_catid = $row['cat_id'];
					$chp_points = $row['points'];
					$chp_date_start = $row['date_start'];
					$chp_date_end = $row['date_end'];
			$cagnote = $chp_points;
			if($chp_catid != -1)
				$sql_array = array(
				'SELECT'	=> 'cf.config_name, cf.config_value',					
				'FROM'		=> array(CONFIG_TABLE => 'cf'
				$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
				$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
				$config_cf = array();
				while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
					$config_cf[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
				$sql_array = array(
					'SELECT'	=> ',, cat.picture, cat.visible',					
					'FROM'		=> array(CATEGORIES_TABLE	=> 'cat'),			
					'WHERE' => ' = '.$chp_catid
				$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);				
				$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
				$data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
				if($this->config['champpos_infos'] == 1)
					$link_champ = append_sid("arcadeoa.php?mode=cat&id=".$data['id']);		
					if($chp_catid == 0)$img_champ = "<a href=''> <b/></a>";
					else $img_champ = "<a href='".$link_champ."'><img src='./images/OA/".$data['picture']."' /><br/><b>".$data['name']."<b/></a>";			
					$template->assign_vars( array(
						'RANK_VIEW' => true,
						'RANK_TYPE' => $img_champ,
						'ULTIM_POINTS' => (defined('IN_ULTIMATE_POINTS')) ? true : false,
						'RANK_POINTS' => (defined('IN_ULTIMATE_POINTS')) ? $cagnote." ".$config_cf['points_name'] : '',
						'RANK_DATE_START' => date('d/m/Y H:i', $chp_date_start),
						'RANK_DATE_END' => date('d/m/Y H:i', $chp_date_end)
					$template->assign_vars( array(
						'RANK_VIEW' => false,
						'RANK_TYPE' => "",
						'ULTIM_POINTS' => false,
						'RANK_POINTS' => "",
						'RANK_DATE_START' => "",
						'RANK_DATE_END' => ""
				$sql_array2 = array(
					'SELECT'	=> '',
					'FROM'		=> array(
						GAMES_TABLE	=> 'g',
				$sql2 = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array2);
				$result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2);
				while ($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2))
					if($chp_catid == 0)
						$sql_array = array(
							'SELECT'	=> ', s.points, s.score_comment, u.username, u.user_colour, u.user_id',
							'FROM'		=> array(
								SCORES_TABLE	=> 's',
							'WHERE'		=> 's.game_id = '.$row2['id'].' and s.score_date >= '.$chp_date_start.' and s.score_date <= '.$chp_date_end,
							'LEFT_JOIN' => array(
									'FROM' => array(USERS_TABLE => 'u'),
									'ON' => 's.gamer_id = u.user_id ')
							'ORDER_BY' => 's.points'.(($best_score_first) ? '' : ' DESC'),
						$sql_array = array(
							'SELECT'	=> ', s.points, s.score_comment, u.username, u.user_colour, u.user_id',
							'FROM'		=> array(
								SCORES_TABLE	=> 's',
							'WHERE'		=> 's.game_id = '.$row2['id'].' and s.cat_id = '.$chp_catid.' and s.score_date >= '.$chp_date_start.' and s.score_date <= '.$chp_date_end,
							'LEFT_JOIN' => array(
									'FROM' => array(USERS_TABLE => 'u'),
									'ON' => 's.gamer_id = u.user_id ')
							'ORDER_BY' => 's.points'.(($best_score_first) ? '' : ' DESC'),
					$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
					$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
					$rank = 0;
					$this->top_gamer = array();
					while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
						$this->top_gamer[(int)$row['id']] = $row;		
				$this->rank_player_bis = Array();
				$this->rank_player_bis = $this->rank_player;
				$det_link = 0;
				$nb_users_max = $this->config['champpos_users'];
				for($i=0;$i<$nb_users_max ;$i++)
						$player = $this->classpos_player($i);
						$username = $player[0];
						$user_colour = $player[1];
						$this->classpos_cups($chp_catid, $chp_date_start, $chp_date_end);
						$link_popup = $this->rank_player[$i][2];
						$sid_popup = $user->data['session_id'];
						if($this->cup_tab[$this->rank_player[$i][2]] != 0)$cup_emp = $this->cup_tab[$this->rank_player[$i][2]]." <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"popup_listgames($link_popup,$chp_catid,'$sid_popup');\"><img src='./images/qualitycup.gif' border='0' /></a>";
						else $cup_emp = "";
						if(is_numeric($this->rate_tab[$i]))$rate = $this->rate_tab[$i];
						else $rate = 0;
							$template->assign_block_vars('rank_ten', array(
								'RANK' => $i+1,
								'RATE' => $rate."%",
								'RATEPOINTS' => floor(($this->rate_tab[$i]*$cagnote)/100)." ".$config_cf['points_name'],
								'USERNAME' => get_username_string('full', $this->rank_player[$i][2], $username, $user_colour),
								'POINTS' => $this->rank_player[$i][1]." point(s)",
								'CUP' => ($chp_after == 0) ? $cup_emp : ''
							$template->assign_block_vars('rank_ten', array(
								'RANK' => $i+1,								
								'USERNAME' => get_username_string('full', $this->rank_player[$i][2], $username, $user_colour),
								'POINTS' => $this->rank_player[$i][1]." point(s)",
								'CUP' => ($chp_after == 0) ? $cup_emp : ''
					'RANKTEN_VIEW' => (count($this->rank_player) == 0) ? false : true,
					'ULTIM_POINTS' => (defined('IN_ULTIMATE_POINTS')) ? true : false,
				if($this->config['champpos_usersnext'] == 1)
					if($det_link == $nb_users_max )$rank_link = "block";
					else $rank_link = "none";
					for($i=$nb_users_max ;$i<count($this->rank_player);$i++)
							$player = $this->classpos_player($i);
							$username = $player[0];
							$user_colour = $player[1];
							$this->classpos_cups($chp_catid, $chp_date_start, $chp_date_end);
							$link_popup = $this->rank_player[$i][2];
							$sid_popup = $user->data['session_id'];
							if($this->cup_tab[$this->rank_player[$i][2]] != 0)$cup_emp = $this->cup_tab[$this->rank_player[$i][2]]." <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"popup_listgames($link_popup,$chp_catid,'$sid_popup');\"><img src='./images/qualitycup.gif' border='0' /></a>";
							else $cup_emp = "";
							if(is_numeric($this->rate_tab[$i]))$rate = $this->rate_tab[$i];
							else $rate = 0;
								$template->assign_block_vars('rank_next', array(
									'RANK' => $i+1,
									'RATE' => $rate."%",
									'RATEPOINTS' => floor(($this->rate_tab[$i]*$cagnote)/100)." ".$config_cf['points_name'],
									'USERNAME' => get_username_string('full', $this->rank_player[$i][2], $username, $user_colour),
									'POINTS' => $this->rank_player[$i][1]." point(s)",
									'CUP' => ($chp_after == 0) ? $cup_emp : ''
								$template->assign_block_vars('rank_next', array(
									'RANK' => $i+1,
									'USERNAME' => get_username_string('full', $this->rank_player[$i][2], $username, $user_colour),
									'POINTS' => $this->rank_player[$i][1]." point(s)",
									'CUP' => ($chp_after == 0) ? $cup_emp : ''
				else $rank_link = "none";
				if($this->config['champpos_teams'] == 1)
					$team_tab = Array();
					$team_tab = explode(";", $chp_team);
					$class_team = Array();
						$sql_array = array(
						'SELECT'	=> 'ug.user_id',							
						'FROM'		=> array(USER_GROUP_TABLE	=> 'ug',),
						'WHERE'	=> 'ug.group_id = '.$team_tab[$i]
						$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
						$result = $db->sql_query($sql);						
						$points_team = 0;
						$cup_team = 0;
						while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
							$points_team += $this->rank_player_bis[$row['user_id']][1];
							$cup_team += $this->cup_tab[$row['user_id']];
						$class_team[$team_tab[$i]][1] = $points_team;				
						$class_team[$team_tab[$i]][2] = $cup_team;				
						$class_team[$team_tab[$i]][3] = $team_tab[$i];				
						$sql_array2 = array(
						'SELECT'	=> 'gr.group_name, gr.group_avatar, gr.group_colour',							
						'FROM'		=> array(GROUPS_TABLE	=> 'gr',),
						'WHERE'	=> 'gr.group_id = '.$class_team[$j][3]
						$sql2 = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array2);
						$result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2);
						$name_team = "";
						$colour_team = "";
						while ($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2))
							$name_team = $row2['group_name'];
							$colour_team = $row2['group_colour'];						
						$link_popup = 123456+$class_team[$j][3];
						$sid_popup = $user->data['session_id'];
						if($class_team[$j][2] != 0)$cup_emp = $class_team[$j][2]." <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"popup_listgames($link_popup,$chp_catid,'$sid_popup');\"><img src='./images/qualitycup.gif' border='0' /></a>";
						else $cup_emp = "";	

						$linkteam_sid = append_sid("memberlist.php?mode=group&g=".$class_team[$j][3]);				
						$team_id = $class_team[$j][3];
						if($this->config['champpos_teamsstat'] == 0)$link_team = "<a href='".$linkteam_sid."' style='color:#$colour_team'><b>$name_team</b></a>";
						else $link_team = "<a href='".$linkteam_sid."' style='color:#$colour_team'><b>$name_team</b></a> <br/><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"popup_statteam($team_id,$chp_catid);\"><img src='{$phpbb_root_path}/images/OA/statistique.png' border='0' /></a>";
						$template->assign_block_vars('rank_team', array(
							'RANK' => $j+1,
							'TEAMNAME' => $link_team,
							'POINTS' => $class_team[$j][1]." point(s)",
							'CUP' => $cup_emp
					if(is_numeric($team_tab[0]))$view_team = true;
					else $view_team = false;
				else $view_team = false;
				$template->assign_vars( array(
					'S_RANKTEN' => true,
					'RANK_LINK' => $rank_link,
					'VIEW_TEAM' => $view_team
				$template->assign_vars( array(
					'S_RANKTEN' => false,
					'RANK_LINK' => "none",
					'VIEW_TEAM' => false
			$template->assign_vars( array(
				'S_RANKTEN' => false,
				'RANK_LINK' => "none",
				'VIEW_TEAM' => false
	function classpos_player($id)
		global $db;
		$sql_array = array(
			'SELECT'	=> 'u.username,u.user_colour',
			'FROM'		=> array(
				USERS_TABLE	=> 'u',
			'WHERE'	=> 'u.user_id = '.$this->rank_player[$id][2]
		$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
		$username = "";
		$user_colour = "0000FF";
		while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
			$username = $row['username'];
			$user_colour = $row['user_colour'];
		$sql_array = array(
			'SELECT'	=> 'ug.group_id, gr.group_id, gr.group_type, gr.group_avatar',
			'FROM'		=> array(
				USER_GROUP_TABLE	=> 'ug',
				GROUPS_TABLE	=> 'gr',
			'WHERE'	=> 'gr.group_id = ug.group_id and ug.user_id = '.$this->rank_player[$id][2]
		$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
		$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
		return array($username, $user_colour);
	function classpos_scores()
		$rowsNbr = sizeof($this->top_gamer);
		if ($rowsNbr > 0)
			$i = 0;
			foreach ($this->top_gamer AS $sid => $score)
				if($i == 0){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_1'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 1){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_2'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 2){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_3'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 3){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_4'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 4){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_5'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 5){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_6'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 6){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_7'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 7){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_8'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 8){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_9'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 9){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_10'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 10){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_11'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 11){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_12'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 12){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_13'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 13){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_14'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 14){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_15'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 15){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_16'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 16){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_17'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 17){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_18'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 18){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_19'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
				if($i == 19){$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][1] += $this->config['champ-number_20'];$this->rank_player[$score['user_id']][2]=$score['user_id'];}
	function classpos_rating()
		$this->rate_tab = Array();
		$this->rate_tab[0] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_1'];
		$this->rate_tab[1] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_2'];
		$this->rate_tab[2] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_3'];
		$this->rate_tab[3] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_4'];
		$this->rate_tab[4] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_5'];
		$this->rate_tab[5] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_6'];
		$this->rate_tab[6] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_7'];
		$this->rate_tab[7] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_8'];
		$this->rate_tab[8] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_9'];
		$this->rate_tab[9] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_10'];
		$this->rate_tab[10] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_11'];
		$this->rate_tab[11] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_12'];
		$this->rate_tab[12] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_13'];
		$this->rate_tab[13] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_14'];
		$this->rate_tab[14] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_15'];
		$this->rate_tab[15] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_16'];
		$this->rate_tab[16] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_17'];
		$this->rate_tab[17] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_18'];
		$this->rate_tab[18] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_19'];
		$this->rate_tab[19] = $this->config['cagnotte-number_20'];
	function classpos_cups($chp_catid, $chp_date_start, $chp_date_end)
		global $db;
		$this->cup_tab = Array();
		if($chp_catid == 0)
					$sql_array = array(
						'SELECT'	=> 's.game_id',
						'FROM'		=> array(SCORES_TABLE	=> 's'),
						'WHERE'		=> 's.is_first = 1 and s.gamer_id = '.$this->rank_player[$p][2].' and s.score_date >= '.$chp_date_start.' and s.score_date <= '.$chp_date_end,

					$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
					$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
					$nb_cup = 0;
					while( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
					$this->cup_tab[$this->rank_player[$p][2]] = $nb_cup;
					$sql_array = array(
						'SELECT'	=> 's.game_id',
						'FROM'		=> array(SCORES_TABLE	=> 's'),
						'WHERE'		=> 's.is_first = 1 and s.gamer_id = '.$this->rank_player[$p][2].' and s.cat_id = '.$chp_catid.' and s.score_date >= '.$chp_date_start.' and s.score_date <= '.$chp_date_end,

					$sql = $db->sql_build_query('SELECT', $sql_array);
					$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
					$nb_cup = 0;
					while( $row5 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
					$this->cup_tab[$this->rank_player[$p][2]] = $nb_cup;

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2 ième Duo Poker freeroll
En ligne : Non
Messages : 4895
Enregistré le : 13 janv. 2007, 15:44
Médailles : 2
Joueur de Poker : oui
Pseudo Winamax :
Localisation : marseille
Genre :
Olympus Arcade : 39 Top 20 des joueurs de l arcade
Pays :
France (fr)
Contact :
    unknown unknown

Re: debug

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  • 2 ième Duo Poker freeroll
ha bà ça relève de Thienou, a moins que vous savez recoder la partie

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1er du Duo 2 ième Duo 1 er au jeu de la semaine 3 ime championnat 2020
Le Passionné
Le Passionné
En ligne : Non
Messages : 516
Enregistré le : 23 août 2009, 20:49
Médailles : 7
Joueur de Poker : non
Localisation : Haute Loire
Olympus Arcade : 0 Top 20 des joueurs de l arcade
Contact :
    unknown unknown

Re: debug

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  • 1er du Duo 2 ième Duo 1 er au jeu de la semaine 3 ime championnat 2020
Je n'ai pas vraiment le temps de me pencher sur le sujet en ce moment mais si michel tu te sent de recoder ce qu'il trouve de louche ne te gène pas :cache:

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Le Compagnon
Le Compagnon
En ligne : Non
Messages : 147
Enregistré le : 26 sept. 2011, 17:13
Joueur de Poker : non
Pseudo Winamax : aucun
Localisation : Troyes
Olympus Arcade : 0 Top 20 des joueurs de l arcade
Contact :
    unknown unknown

Re: debug

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j'ai poster sa juste pour info et les membres qui aurons installer L'oa en mode debug :)

sinon les erreurs ne me gène pas (installé en local)

Le Compagnon
Le Compagnon
En ligne : Non
Messages : 180
Enregistré le : 28 oct. 2011, 10:33
Joueur de Poker : non
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Olympus Arcade : 0 Top 20 des joueurs de l arcade
    unknown unknown

Re: debug

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comme dit plus haut thienou , recoder ce n'est pas mon domaine je bidouille sans plus
j'ai fait 5 mise a jour et je n'ai eut aucune remontée de problème donc ça peut rester comme ça pour l'instant :)

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1er du Duo 2 ième Duo 1 er au jeu de la semaine 3 ime championnat 2020
Le Passionné
Le Passionné
En ligne : Non
Messages : 516
Enregistré le : 23 août 2009, 20:49
Médailles : 7
Joueur de Poker : non
Localisation : Haute Loire
Olympus Arcade : 0 Top 20 des joueurs de l arcade
Contact :
    unknown unknown

Re: debug

Message non lu par Thienou »

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  • 1er du Duo 2 ième Duo 1 er au jeu de la semaine 3 ime championnat 2020
C'est un problème d'indexation de tableau comme cela n’empêche pas de fonctionner je chercherais à enlever ces erreurs pour la prochaine mise à jour.


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